Monday, April 13, 2015


The Liturgical Toolkit is intended to lead a liturgical church through some of the historical liturgies of the Church over the past two thousand years, and to offer examples of other special liturgies which might be of interest to one or another parish.

Rev. Katheryn King, Grace, Traverse City
The “special” liturgies include examples of Eucharistic celebrations from: the Anglican Provinces of New Zealand, Nassau and the Bahamas, and from The Church of South India, and a 1526 German style mass a la Martin Luther.

There are two original liturgies composed by The Rev. Walter Draeger in Celtic style, a “Galilean” liturgy for use by a lakeside  (from 18 Special Worship Celebrations” by Cynthia E. Cowen), a “Mass on the Grass” for use outdoors, and a “Jazz Mass” accompanied by a Dixieland jazz band.

The first postings are designed to take one period of church history and offer a complete liturgy based on the uses of that time with special attention to the forces (such as were known) that influenced the development of that liturgy.

This will show the worshiping community the depth and breadth of the life of liturgy and, to some extent, how it has evolved to the present . . . and is still evolving.

The liturgies will be in American English, but respect the tone and tenor of the original, but with an emphasis on use in Anglican or Episcopal traditions.

Some of the practices will seem strange to us. But this will show a touch point in history and how the culture of the time shaped how people worshipped.

It is intended to be a tool kit with:
  • a complete worship service ready to print off in a PDF format.
  • a commentary on the thoughts, views, and direction that liturgy took at that particular time.
  • a listing (as available) of various resources, but with a special note of gratitude for the work of Dr. Marion Hatchett and his liturgical study book used by EFM (Education For Ministry) classes.
These liturgies have been "field tested" by the 5:00 pm Saturday worshiping community at Grace Episcopal Church, 341 Washington, Traverse City, Michigan.

All liturgies and the toolkit is copyrighted 2014 by Pete Clapp. Permission is given for full use by worshiping communities for downloading, printing, and worship use as they need. Not for commercial use. All rights reserved.
Print instructions:
Click above and print front and back. Fold in half into booklet.
page 1 is pages 12 and 1 of worship booklet
page 2 is pages 2 and 11
page 3 is pages 10 and 3
page 4 is pages 4 and 9
page 5 is pages 8 and 5
page 6 is pages 6 and 7

Come, Let us worship the Lord!